C a m A r m s t r o n g S m i t h

2 0 2 4

P o r t f o l i o

F i b e r s

I l l u s t r a t i o n

S c u l p t u r e

D e s i g n

A n i m a t i o n

P a i n t i n g

W r i t i n g

C u r a t i o n


Cam places great value in the time it takes to truly understand a ​person. Curiosity about someone's preferences, whether it's how they ​like their eggs cooked (omelets over hard-boiled) or the length of their ​socks (shin-high over ankle). Some may even have a penchant for ​plastering stickers everywhere or coordinating all their belongings by ​color. Exploring the "why" behind such specific inclinations can be ​fascinating - the reasons may be deeply personal, tied to memories, or ​simply idiosyncratic.

When Cam draws characters and monsters, they contemplate the ​nuanced ways people interact with their belongings and environment - ​the way someone leans on the train, the softness of their gaze, the ​way their skin wraps around their shoulder. Cam’s time on the trains ​and buses of Chicago provide ample room to make these observations. ​Gathering information, like collecting and sorting bugs, is a true ​passion.

Though Cam sees the world as inherently absurd, they find joy in ​embracing that confusion and the contradictions of existence. Perhaps ​this is why they are drawn to creating fantastical, impossible monsters ​- to give tangible form to the absurdity they observe all around them. ​Or maybe it is simply an obsession with the intricate details of the ​human body - the knots, knees, joints, and hands (not just people, the ​trees too) that are constantly in use yet often out of focus.

F I B E R p r o j e c t s

P i c n i c B u n c h

Hand-Stitched Dolls, March- May 2022, Medium: Ceramic porcelain, clear glue glaze, glass beads, polymer clay, assorted fabric, thread, stuffing, buttons, alcohol markers, photoshop, dimensions range from 10” to 24”

F I b e r p r o j e c t s

Time Devours: Stuck walking backwards


21 inches x 35 inches (21 inches x 6 feet when fully hung with tassels and hanger)

Material: yarn, thread, wooden beads, sequins, pleather, scrap fabric pieces, acrylic paint mounted on top of plastic weave




The most engaging aspect ​was figuring out how to ​fit creatures inside of ​each unique wooden ​silhouette, taking them as ​far out to the edge ​as possible​.​

This project Enabled ​me to generate a formu​la for efficiently applyi​ng paint While al​so establishing dept​h, boldness and texture​.






S k i l l s & P r o c e s s e s

  • Performance, acting, and developing story boards, script ​rehearsals, manufacturing puppets & masks, designing sets ​and lighting
  • Shooting and animating stories
  • Conceptualizing, sketching, and revising characters, ideas, ​rituals, objects, and devices
  • Graphic design for logos, advertisements, and informational ​purposes
  • Collaboration with clients and designers on event planning ​and product revision
  • Familiarity with online platforms: Drgonframe, Toon-Boom ​Harmony 22, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Lightroom, Adobe ​Premiere, Adobe Audition
  • Cam is also an avid bone and bug collector and strives to use ​ca​rdboard for almost everything.

F I L M p r o j e c t s

We might start to think the same.

Duration: 1:44, 2024

2D Animation final.


Begin with a reticle design for a background pan, ​key in character after background is established. ​Render key frames, and then tackle the in-​betweens. Rig the camera pan, complete final line ​with ink and paint. (all on Toon Boom).

Bodies Handled and Seen, “Willow“

Duration: 4:06, 2023

Materials: Cardboard, Scrap Fibers, Acrylic paint, wood, ​found sticks, Wire, polymer clay, polyurethane foam, epoxy ​putty, bandage wrap, protac, hot glue, screws, washers, nuts

P A I N T i n g p r o j e c t s

Dreamscape Series: I am trying to paint my dreams for you.

2020, Oil and Acrylic layered paint on canvas board

c o l l a g e s e r i e s

W e a k J a w s C o l l e c t i o n:

2022 Sliced photographs, monoprints, relief prints, collaged on gradient print backgrounds

F a s h i o n & P e r f o r m a n c e p r o j e c t s

Title: Hell.met Home (of 4))

2022- 2023

0.632 sq. Ft


Cardboard, hot glue, acrylic paint, sheer fabric coated in red ink, red felt, lentil beans, muslin, seed pod.

****** 2023 BodyBuilder Award: 2D: Illustration/Photography/Digital Media- Faculty of the Department of Fashion Design and Department Chair, Katrin Schnabl, Chicago, IL

F a s h i o n & P e r f o r m a n c e p r o j e c t s

Title: Hell.met Home (of 4))

2022- 2023

0.632 sq. Ft


Cardboard, hot glue, acrylic paint, sheer fabric coated in red ink, red felt, lentil beans, muslin, seed pod.

I l l u s t r a t i o n p r o j e c t s

About Samantha, “If I think I’m monstrous for this, I might as well present myself that way, embrace it, satirize it.”


Materials: watercolor paper, pencil, pen, colored pencil, acrylic paint

I l l u s t r a t i o n p r o j e c t s

My bodies, and our bodies, and the bodies beneath me, An ongoing series of figures, 2021- 2023

Watercolor, pen, marker and pencil on paper, 18 x 24 in.

I l l u s t r a t i o n p r o j e c t s

JOURNAL RENDITIONS: My bodies, and our bodies, and the bodies beneath me

An ongoing series of figures, 2021- 2023

Watercolor, pen, marker and pencil on paper, 18 x 24 in.

I l l u s t r a t i o n p r o j e c t s

JOURNAL RENDITIONS: My bodies, and our bodies, and the bodies beneath me

An ongoing series of figures, 2021- 2023

Watercolor, pen, marker and pencil on paper, 18 x 24 in.

I l l u s t r a t i o n p r o j e c t s

Natural History Paintings: Collection of 10, 2023

Watercolor, pencil on paper, 18 x 24 in.

Natural History Painting Adaptation: A monster of Tenderness, 2023

Watercolor, pencil on paper, 18 x 24 in.

Cam Armstrong Smith

g e t i n t o u c h

Email: c.armstrongsmith20@gmail.com.com

Phone: 201 407 1981