C a m A r m s t r o n g S m i t h
2 0 2 4
P o r t f o l i o
F i b e r s
I l l u s t r a t i o n
S c u l p t u r e
D e s i g n
A n i m a t i o n
P a i n t i n g
W r i t i n g
C u r a t i o n
Cam places great value in the time it takes to truly understand a person. Curiosity about someone's preferences, whether it's how they like their eggs cooked (omelets over hard-boiled) or the length of their socks (shin-high over ankle). Some may even have a penchant for plastering stickers everywhere or coordinating all their belongings by color. Exploring the "why" behind such specific inclinations can be fascinating - the reasons may be deeply personal, tied to memories, or simply idiosyncratic.
When Cam draws characters and monsters, they contemplate the nuanced ways people interact with their belongings and environment - the way someone leans on the train, the softness of their gaze, the way their skin wraps around their shoulder. Cam’s time on the trains and buses of Chicago provide ample room to make these observations. Gathering information, like collecting and sorting bugs, is a true passion.
Though Cam sees the world as inherently absurd, they find joy in embracing that confusion and the contradictions of existence. Perhaps this is why they are drawn to creating fantastical, impossible monsters - to give tangible form to the absurdity they observe all around them. Or maybe it is simply an obsession with the intricate details of the human body - the knots, knees, joints, and hands (not just people, the trees too) that are constantly in use yet often out of focus.
F I B E R p r o j e c t s
P i c n i c B u n c h
Hand-Stitched Dolls, March- May 2022, Medium: Ceramic porcelain, clear glue glaze, glass beads, polymer clay, assorted fabric, thread, stuffing, buttons, alcohol markers, photoshop, dimensions range from 10” to 24”
F I b e r p r o j e c t s
Time Devours: Stuck walking backwards
21 inches x 35 inches (21 inches x 6 feet when fully hung with tassels and hanger)
Material: yarn, thread, wooden beads, sequins, pleather, scrap fabric pieces, acrylic paint mounted on top of plastic weave
The most engaging aspect was figuring out how to fit creatures inside of each unique wooden silhouette, taking them as far out to the edge as possible.
This project Enabled me to generate a formula for efficiently applying paint While also establishing depth, boldness and texture.
S k i l l s & P r o c e s s e s
F I L M p r o j e c t s
We might start to think the same.
Duration: 1:44, 2024
2D Animation final.
Begin with a reticle design for a background pan, key in character after background is established. Render key frames, and then tackle the in-betweens. Rig the camera pan, complete final line with ink and paint. (all on Toon Boom).
Bodies Handled and Seen, “Willow“
Duration: 4:06, 2023
Materials: Cardboard, Scrap Fibers, Acrylic paint, wood, found sticks, Wire, polymer clay, polyurethane foam, epoxy putty, bandage wrap, protac, hot glue, screws, washers, nuts
P A I N T i n g p r o j e c t s
Dreamscape Series: I am trying to paint my dreams for you.
2020, Oil and Acrylic layered paint on canvas board
c o l l a g e s e r i e s
W e a k J a w s C o l l e c t i o n:
2022 Sliced photographs, monoprints, relief prints, collaged on gradient print backgrounds
F a s h i o n & P e r f o r m a n c e p r o j e c t s
Title: Hell.met Home (of 4))
2022- 2023
0.632 sq. Ft
Cardboard, hot glue, acrylic paint, sheer fabric coated in red ink, red felt, lentil beans, muslin, seed pod.
****** 2023 BodyBuilder Award: 2D: Illustration/Photography/Digital Media- Faculty of the Department of Fashion Design and Department Chair, Katrin Schnabl, Chicago, IL
F a s h i o n & P e r f o r m a n c e p r o j e c t s
Title: Hell.met Home (of 4))
2022- 2023
0.632 sq. Ft
Cardboard, hot glue, acrylic paint, sheer fabric coated in red ink, red felt, lentil beans, muslin, seed pod.
I l l u s t r a t i o n p r o j e c t s
About Samantha, “If I think I’m monstrous for this, I might as well present myself that way, embrace it, satirize it.”
Materials: watercolor paper, pencil, pen, colored pencil, acrylic paint
I l l u s t r a t i o n p r o j e c t s
My bodies, and our bodies, and the bodies beneath me, An ongoing series of figures, 2021- 2023
Watercolor, pen, marker and pencil on paper, 18 x 24 in.
I l l u s t r a t i o n p r o j e c t s
JOURNAL RENDITIONS: My bodies, and our bodies, and the bodies beneath me
An ongoing series of figures, 2021- 2023
Watercolor, pen, marker and pencil on paper, 18 x 24 in.
I l l u s t r a t i o n p r o j e c t s
JOURNAL RENDITIONS: My bodies, and our bodies, and the bodies beneath me
An ongoing series of figures, 2021- 2023
Watercolor, pen, marker and pencil on paper, 18 x 24 in.
I l l u s t r a t i o n p r o j e c t s
Natural History Paintings: Collection of 10, 2023
Watercolor, pencil on paper, 18 x 24 in.
Natural History Painting Adaptation: A monster of Tenderness, 2023
Watercolor, pencil on paper, 18 x 24 in.
Cam Armstrong Smith
g e t i n t o u c h
Email: c.armstrongsmith20@gmail.com.com
Phone: 201 407 1981